

Kids Say Book Reports Are the Hardest Summer Homework

Japanese education company Benesse asked over 8,000 kids in grades three to six about their feelings related to summer vacation. And it seems kids in Japan didn’t get a break from homework even over the summer holiday!

Ninety-four percent of kids said they had been given math problems to do over the holiday, and the same number said they’d been given kanji characters to learn or other Japanese homework. Seventy-six percent said they’d been given research projects or crafts.

When asked what type of summer homework they found most difficult, about 1,000 of the students didn’t have an answer. But among those who did, the top answer was book reports, chosen by 27% of students who had an opinion.


Math homework was most difficult for 17% of kids — but 8% said it was the most fun.

Students had very different opinions about research projects and crafts. Almost 40% of those with an opinion said research projects and crafts were the most fun type of summer homework. But almost 20% said they were the most difficult.

Those who liked research projects and crafts said they enjoyed having the freedom to work on what they wanted. But those who didn’t like them said that it was difficult to decide what to do.

When asked what they most looked forward to in the summer, the top answer was “playing with friends,” chosen by more than 1,000 of the children. This included going to the pool together, having sleepovers and more. The kids also said they look forward to traveling, playing video games, and visiting their grandparents.


1.How many kids took part in the survey?

2.What did the children say they look forward to most in the summer?

3.What percentage of kids said math homework was the most difficult?

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